
ready for the weekend

outfit & details from the week that was - MANGO jeans, Africa bracelets, H&M bag, therapy booties

I know it's Saturday but my life is still going a million miles an hour. Luckily I got to sleep in this morning, till 10:30 (OMG) as the boys are out fixing a CD / stereo / awesome sound system for the Hilux. It only came with a tape recorder (old skoool!) so it needs a bit of umphf. On Friday we shot a lifestyle campaign for SUPRÉ, with two of my favourite ladies. Photos to come.

We are BBQing on the balcony tonight and praying for summer to last just that little bit longer. I am hearing from left, right and center how people can't wait for winter. What is wrong with you people!? The only reason I am waiting on winter is because my leather vest from BRAVE by Wayne Cooper is arriving. Yeeew!

PS - Incase you missed it, there is a little giveaway happening on the watermeloncrush facebook page. Get involved xo


amalie said...

l love the shoes!

Anonymous said...

love the photos!
your grey shirt is amazing!:)

much love from Tokyo,

solitude is bliss said...

amazing hair and shoes and post in general!!!!
loveee the shoes!!!