

A little side two-step there. Apologies.

So Happy ten days until Christmas. It's hard to believe another year has soon passed. What have I done in the past year? Hm. Might have to think about that one...

Missing home a lot at this time of the year. I used to go home every Christmas, but haven't done that for... at least two years now. Or is it three? I'm guessing that is a sign enough that it's been too long. Living the hectic working life there is not really time for Christmas. I don't know how people do it, putting up trees, buying gift, wrapping gifts, baking, decorating. What the fuck. In a family that tends to start too early, at least in mine, and I loved every single moment of it. I got so excited creating, packing and hiding. Now there is none of that.

But my Mum, who is the best Mum in the world for those of you who didn't know, sent me something that we used to do every year leading up to Christmas. She used to put up a board with a small gift for everyday leading up to the 24th (yes Christmas IS on the 24th, to all you crazy Aussies that celebrate on the 25th... What the hell!?) so to life my spirits she send me this:

Each day I open a little gift - anything from cute butterfly clips to little stones and candles. It's all very cute and heartwarming. It made me feel at home and a little bit in the Christams spirit. A little. Love you Mum!

a butterfly clip

Mum and her creativity =)

a very very cool lampshade

Along with this came a whole BOX full of presents. A sexy leopard printed dress, a studded belt, an awesome cardigan from Dad, the coolest lampshade ever from lil Brah... heaps of things. This was where my tears began to run... I miss you all so much!

1 comment:

Michaela said...

Å, jag var med när hon satt och pysslade med denna :-) SÅ jäkla fint!!

Ska bli så fruktansvärt underbart att få träffa dig igen också!! Blir alldeles pirrig i magen!