

Last night we went and saw the long awaited AVATAR, which my brother blogged about not too long ago, pushing the fact that it was probably going to be the next big thing. The ads looked cool, and as the graphic designer that I am (hohohohooo) I love animated movies... It premiered yesterday in LA on the star studded red carpet, but we opted for the Macquarie Megaplex instead ;)

Wow. Loved every second of it, the animation and graphical work is absolutely mind blowing, thoughout the entire film. Must warn those who have difficulties with animatied / fantasy movies, this flick is over 3 hours long. But I enjoyed it from the beginning to the end. Def a must for the DVD collection.. =)

Couldn't help but get thinking and creative this morning... If I had an Avatar, this is what she would look like. Look pretty sexy in blue skin. Wonder if they do blue spray tans... hehee.

1 comment:

Totte said...

Du är snygg oavsett om du skulle vara människa lr Avatar gumman. Iofs inte som Orch kanske... Men å andra sidan, vem är det? Haha.

Hoppas du har haft en bra lördag min sötsak, saknar dig mest!

Love U <3