OK so I dind't update before i went to dinner with the ladies.
But let's just forget about that now and move on with our lives. On the weekend we finally got to pick up my baby's new Buell (motorbike, for all you uncanny people ;) and it's awesome. Very different compared to the GSXR. It rides agressive, and chews up road. It's very red. Very hot. I hope he likes it...
and is careful on it... I've officially got 55 days left until I can leagally rid emy GSXR. Having the tank re-sprayed as the fairings fitted within the next two weeks. EXCITEMENT. I'm sorry to those of you who think it's boring, all this bike talk. But it makes me full of smiles and butterflies ;)
Another fast paced week at work, shooting today and then more things for me to do for the upcoming promo. Stress stress stress. This weekend will be much welcomed by me.
Another reason why you should live in Sweden... this little baby is from BIK BOK, and you can pick it up for around AU$100. Cheap as chips. And oh so lovely.

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