Pumping this song for the last hour, it's awesome. Hadn't heard it until today on the radio when we were in the car. Youtube tells me it's at least 3 months old. Hello! Where has it been!? And who is Jason DeRulo?? Lovin this song anyway. Imogen Heap's "Hide and Seek" is not anything like this, but considering I can't listen to that song without bursting into tears this is a nice change. Can't believe she'd sell that song like this though... really it's better than that. But hey who knows, maybe she was desperate and this is not bad.
OK so BIIIIG news. My baby bought us a car today. And he didn't even SAY anything!! He is so sneaky. We had a friend ova for brekkie in the morning, and then went to the auctions as planned (we're looking for outdoor furniture, but there wasn't much) so we went back to his cousins house. And then he left. I was like... what-? thinking him and my baby had a fight or something and just wanted to leave. So we had no way to get home. Stef whispers to me that we were walking. (I go OK... thinking that it's at least a 4 hour walk...WTF...!? I'm too accepting sometimes..) So we said goodbyes and then left. I was ready to hitch so I took big steps towards the road thinking F YEA let's do this! Finally some exercise. The sun is out, it's a bit windy but oh well, and OFF I WENT. In the meantime Stef gets out a key and pops it into the door of one of the cars in their driveway and says that we got to borrow the car. I stop my stomping, turn around and dumbfounded go - Oh. Got in the car. Have a few questions- feels a bit weird to just take someone's car like that. "Actually baby, I bought the car."...
We have a car!! WE HAVE A CAR! It's unbelievable. I didn't know what to say. I knew we both wanted one, and considering we both just bought brand new motorbikes neither of us wanted something fancy, just something to get around in and transport things in. Especially when it's raining. So we have a car! I still can't believe it. Needs a bit of a clean and a bit a sprusing up, but it's perfect for us. A little dark blue Hyundai Excel. It's a typical surfer bums car - something I've wanted sincde I moved to Australia. It's so perfect. Gonna go downstairs and give a good clean just now before dinner. Happiness!!!

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