Baby brought me home a present on the weekend! I had just got home from BOOSTING it and I found this in our tank!
It's a Mandarin fish, and I've always wanted one. Stef had gone to Ashfield where we always get our fish (awesome aquarium shop, for those of you who are into marine life) www.kimsaquaticworld.com.au. And apparently the guy who we buy from gave this little one to me, as a gift! He said he always saw me looking at it, so he wanted to give it as a gift. Thai people. I miss living there so much! The generosity and genuine kindness isn't found anywhere else in the world.

Well my little friend seems very happy in our tank. He's also very pretty to look at. He flutters like a little butterfly =) Also brought home a bubble coral. We used to have one but it died when we were in SA. This one is cool too though!
Såå otroligt vacker! :)
SV: Verkligen :) Hur länge lever en sådn? Välskött alltså ;)
Ah, vilken fin blogg :)
Hej Steph,
vilken härlig blogg du har. Vad du skriver bra. Hoppas allt är bra med dig/er - fast jag får en vink om att allt verkar ok i Australien. O vilken hoj du skaffat dig. Kör hårt o ta det försiktigt.
Kram Kram/ Carro.
Carro! Jag saknar dig! Tack for dina fina ord. jag har tankt pa dig mycket pa sista tiden. Jag ska skriva ett email snart och beratta om mitt lilla liv. Jag vill ocksa hora om Jonatan!
Massa kramar
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