Morning all. Another busy day ahead, but the last one of the week for that. Thank gohd! It's been a bit hectic. This weekend we're planning some friends over Saturday night, ending a day at the markets and (hopefully) breakfast in Manly. But I;m not getting my hopes up! ;) Today it's cold, and raining. Yes, it rains in Sydney too. Apparently.

Lily Allen for ELLE UK, see the behind the scenes clip here. It's always interesting what goes on behind the scenes at other fashion shoots. I'll be sure to post the one from our latest shoot here as soon as it's released. (still top secret mateeerial! ;) And say what you will about Lily Allen, I think she’s fierce. Not only does she do whatever she wants, but she always looks comfortable and like she’s having fun and that’s more than I can say about most people in the spotlight.

Alberta Ferretti Valetto black beaded high heeled shoe boot

Marc Jacobs black studded bag
Must be off so I don't miss my train. Hope you guys are all well, speak more soooon! PS- Only 52 days to go now...!
åh, min favort just nu, not fair! grym, grym, grym :)
She is awesome.
Ja dom är riktigt fina faktiskt :)
Tror det kommer kosta runt 400 kronor, men är inte säker.
Åh va glad jag blir :) Det skulle vara jätte kul om vi kunde följa varann via bloglovin, eftersom att jag gillade din blogg med! kram
Åhåj! Minns inte riktigt hur jag hittade din blogg men hade tydligen bokmärkt den nu såg jag... :)
Hur kommer det sig att du drog iväg till Sydney? Vad jobbar du med? Du verkar ha hunnit med mycket fastän du bara är 22 år.
Fin blogg!
Tjo Sara =) Ja, story time kommer snart, då lovar jag att svara på alla dina frågor! =) xo
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