

Visitor-record overnight. Wow. I love you guys. Thanks for popping your little heads in here, it makes it all the more fun. All the thanks to you. Maybe we should spruce it up a bit more huh? A giveaway perhaps? Or is that maybe just dumb..?

So one more day left and then we have a semi-long weekend. WHOO. Pray for beach weather. Pray. Now I'm off to buy salt for the fishtank. How exciting. No better way to spend $100... (??) Also after I saw some photos from yesterday I decided that I needed a haircut. I DIYed ny ends for now (cause they were baaaad) but I've had this urge to go back to blonde lately. I don't know. What do you guys think..?


Anonymous said...

love ur blog hun x blonde is more fun for summer!

watermeloncrush.com said...

Thanks love =) Yes I know. I've always been blonde... until about a year ago... I'm SO unsure... xx