Kenza, oh Kenza, you have done it again. Check out this HOT HOT jacket that she has designed with the help of Jofama. She has a whole range that has released back home in Sweden including this stunning jacket. It's avaiable in black and brown. In the collection there is also an amaxing little zip up leather skirt that I love and a studded envelope style bag. LOVE it all. You can view the collection by clicking here. Also, Kenza is releasing a hot range of shoes in December this year called Wildflower by Kenza which are ready to pre-order. You can do that too by clicking here. I don't actually think that they deliver to Australia... but I'm gonna email and ask so I will let you all non-Swedes know! *fingers crossed*!!

Hey :) I don't live there yet, unfortunately. I live in Denver, Colorado right now.
I know right!?
oooh.. frågan är, vad är priset på denna goding?
Tror ca 2.000 SEK. Men värt VARETNDA öre. Alla nbi som bor i Svea - I will KILL you if you don't get it. ;) Perfekt till hösten!
Jeansskjortan finns kvar ja, är du intresserad? Men du bor väl inte i Sverige? Kram!
Hur länge har du bott i Australien?
Nice jacket ;)
Den där jackan är sjukt snygg! :)
hihi tack så himla mycket =) Nix har inte införskaffat mig nåt,det tog slut på två sek tror jag :P
Ha en härlig kväll =)
den är supersnygg!
Jag har varit i Australien snart 6 år! Can you believe it. Fick precis mitt permaenta visum häromdagen. Jag börjar bli kängru på riktigt! Haha
xo Steph
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