Ever since I was about 14 I have wanted a tatoo. I used to take a permanent marker and draw on myself, and fill it in everyday and keep it there for a few weeks. I used to wake up with pen marks in my face because I slept on it and it rubbed off, but I didn't care. I was determined to get one once I turned 18. (my Mum said no). At 17 she went with me and let me pierce my belly button, which was very cool. I love it and still have it today, but by the time I was 18 the desire for a tatt has just faded. And I'm glad it had to be honest. That stuff it for life. But I still think about it sometimes, and admire other peoples. I want one, I just don't want one when I'm 45. Here is something I played around with today. I'd put it on my right side and it would be pretty small. Just black... Hm... Better stop thinking about this now..!
What do you think? Are tattoos tacky or hot!? What would you get?Took a ride on my new bike today again in the garage... Whoo HOOO happy times. I can't WAIT til the end of October... Eeeeeeeee

Kan jag inte skicka till någon du känner inom sverige? Så skickar dom de vidare? Jag har aldrig skickat utomlands etc. Jag skickar till någon du känner som skickar de vidare :D det går väl lika bra? Kram!
haha tack =D
det fick bli kortkort ja, än är ju inte sommaren slut ;D
svar: ja visst gör man
sådär tänker jag också :P
vill jättegärna ha en, men hur kul är det om 40år, man har ju antagligen tröttnat på skiten tills dess ;)
det måste ju vara något som verkligen betyder något isåfall!
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