Eh. I usually never get sick but when I do, I really do. Started the friday on my first week back. Yes there was alot to do and it ended up being quite stressful, but at the same time i LOVE my job and it's such a pain in the backside when you can't give it all you have just because you're busy trying to breathe... So today I've taken the day off, after trying hard yesterday to manage a day at my desk which proved to be much more difficult than I imagined. I think todays rest might do the trick though, I'm starting to feel a bit better. One of those killer flus with major body aches (I can't even roll my eyes without it hurting... !?)... taking everything possible to make me better. I even tried swallowing a whole clove of garlic last night (which I almost choked on... I thought I was going to die, no joke) so I seriously better see some results tomorrow.

In the couch, bored, watching the first transformers. Megan Fox is so hot. Just got the Transformers 2 soundtrack the other day, and found myself listening to it alot. It's not bad. Not bad at all.

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