Not too shabby. I don't want this holiday to ever never ever end. Over and out, the jet ski is calling.
Not too shabby. I don't want this holiday to ever never ever end. Over and out, the jet ski is calling.
Yes I'm alive, drove down to Metung on Boxing Day. All went well as I got to sleep most of the way, so time passes v quickly. Here we are wakebording, drinking wine, playing boardgames, eating too much, sun tanning and just messing around. Soon we get to pop the bottles of Champagne too. Can't wait! A new year, a fresh start. Will try to be better at updating, but I'm having an awesome time just being. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year all u sexy sweet readers. xx
When I was little this was like the most exciting day of the year. Usually we would stay up late with Mum and Dad, be decorating the tree, baking ginger bread cookies and putting out porridge on the front step for Santa. There would only be one present left on the Chistmas Calendar, and it would be the biggest one of them all. There would be four stockings hanging on the fire place, but all still empty. Jack would have a bow around his neck and looking so handsome. We'd go to bed extra early just so we could make the night disappear as fast a possible, and in the morning there would be no sleeping in!
I miss that cosy feeling in our house. My Mum always did the best job at creating a Christmas sprit in the house and now that I am out of home, I am trying my best to do the same for us. It's not the same here in Australia. But we try. Gonna rush home today cause I have a parcel waiting for me at the post office (I have no idea from who or what it could be so I'm super excited! ;) And then it's Christmas decorating and firing up all the Christmas spirit I can find. Soon Mum and Dad are here too, so maybe they can help me out with that. xx
pictures from hannamw, who's room I find very inspirational
Loving this. Hot hot hot. Noticed her TB shoes... Been looking at those for a while to only porblem is I get soooo tall in platform heels... Buu I wish I was 165cm instead of my 178... What a perfect height. Then I could wear 5 inch heels and still look normal. Lol. "DAMAGE" is aviable at any Tony Bianco stockist in Sydney. Might just do a liiiiitle bit of Christmas shopping for myself... x
Elin oh Elin. What would my life be without you. How inspirational is this woman? She seems to nail it every single time, every single day - and does she ever have a bloody bad hair day!? Whoff. She makes me want to go back to blonde... The little Swede in me wants to come out and play... x

Elin Kling
Elin Kling
Last night we went and saw the long awaited AVATAR, which my brother blogged about not too long ago, pushing the fact that it was probably going to be the next big thing. The ads looked cool, and as the graphic designer that I am (hohohohooo) I love animated movies... It premiered yesterday in LA on the star studded red carpet, but we opted for the Macquarie Megaplex instead ;)
Wow. Loved every second of it, the animation and graphical work is absolutely mind blowing, thoughout the entire film. Must warn those who have difficulties with animatied / fantasy movies, this flick is over 3 hours long. But I enjoyed it from the beginning to the end. Def a must for the DVD collection.. =)

Couldn't help but get thinking and creative this morning... If I had an Avatar, this is what she would look like. Look pretty sexy in blue skin. Wonder if they do blue spray tans... hehee.

Wow. Loved every second of it, the animation and graphical work is absolutely mind blowing, thoughout the entire film. Must warn those who have difficulties with animatied / fantasy movies, this flick is over 3 hours long. But I enjoyed it from the beginning to the end. Def a must for the DVD collection.. =)
Couldn't help but get thinking and creative this morning... If I had an Avatar, this is what she would look like. Look pretty sexy in blue skin. Wonder if they do blue spray tans... hehee.
LI... HO?
Lindsay Lohan's PRIVATE PARTY for Muse Magazine, video footage is also available on YouTube. I don't really know what to say... I have never really been a Li Lo fan, I think she tries too hard, and I miss that cute little face I used to watch over and over again in "The Parent Trap". This is someone completely different, someone crazy and confused and who doesn't seem to have both feet completely on the gorund. She still manages to look HOT. And there is definately something eyrie about that clip... damn.

A little side two-step there. Apologies.
So Happy ten days until Christmas. It's hard to believe another year has soon passed. What have I done in the past year? Hm. Might have to think about that one...

Missing home a lot at this time of the year. I used to go home every Christmas, but haven't done that for... at least two years now. Or is it three? I'm guessing that is a sign enough that it's been too long. Living the hectic working life there is not really time for Christmas. I don't know how people do it, putting up trees, buying gift, wrapping gifts, baking, decorating. What the fuck. In a family that tends to start too early, at least in mine, and I loved every single moment of it. I got so excited creating, packing and hiding. Now there is none of that.
But my Mum, who is the best Mum in the world for those of you who didn't know, sent me something that we used to do every year leading up to Christmas. She used to put up a board with a small gift for everyday leading up to the 24th (yes Christmas IS on the 24th, to all you crazy Aussies that celebrate on the 25th... What the hell!?) so to life my spirits she send me this:

Each day I open a little gift - anything from cute butterfly clips to little stones and candles. It's all very cute and heartwarming. It made me feel at home and a little bit in the Christams spirit. A little. Love you Mum!

a butterfly clip

Mum and her creativity =)

a very very cool lampshade
Along with this came a whole BOX full of presents. A sexy leopard printed dress, a studded belt, an awesome cardigan from Dad, the coolest lampshade ever from lil Brah... heaps of things. This was where my tears began to run... I miss you all so much!
So Happy ten days until Christmas. It's hard to believe another year has soon passed. What have I done in the past year? Hm. Might have to think about that one...
Missing home a lot at this time of the year. I used to go home every Christmas, but haven't done that for... at least two years now. Or is it three? I'm guessing that is a sign enough that it's been too long. Living the hectic working life there is not really time for Christmas. I don't know how people do it, putting up trees, buying gift, wrapping gifts, baking, decorating. What the fuck. In a family that tends to start too early, at least in mine, and I loved every single moment of it. I got so excited creating, packing and hiding. Now there is none of that.
But my Mum, who is the best Mum in the world for those of you who didn't know, sent me something that we used to do every year leading up to Christmas. She used to put up a board with a small gift for everyday leading up to the 24th (yes Christmas IS on the 24th, to all you crazy Aussies that celebrate on the 25th... What the hell!?) so to life my spirits she send me this:
Each day I open a little gift - anything from cute butterfly clips to little stones and candles. It's all very cute and heartwarming. It made me feel at home and a little bit in the Christams spirit. A little. Love you Mum!
a butterfly clip
Mum and her creativity =)
a very very cool lampshade
Along with this came a whole BOX full of presents. A sexy leopard printed dress, a studded belt, an awesome cardigan from Dad, the coolest lampshade ever from lil Brah... heaps of things. This was where my tears began to run... I miss you all so much!
This womans never fails to amaze me. Click HERE to see the lastest interview with her about shooting for the latest issue of Cosmo... Drool.
So each year, the boys get together for a Christmas Cook-Off, which is basically a weekend around Christmas to drink, relax, cook, eat and then drink some more. Last year it didn't happen because people were all over the place and time just didn't allow it. But this year - it happened! And so I was packing on Thursday night for my first ever Christmas Cook-Off. Excitement!
Nath had found us a place just outside of Bega, a 6 hour drive from Sydney called Murrah. Judging by their photos and their website, the place looked nice. Friday was rushed at work and I was out slightly early... with a feeling of a developing cold. F that. This weekend is MINE. We took Viky down (Viky is the car, if you haven't already understood that from my previous posts), and after 6 hours of driving, stopping, meeting up with C&T, having giggling fits and trying not to fall asleep, we were greeted with this:
Each night / day a couple was set to cook. This night it was Naths, Anhs and Flicks turn since the rest of us had been driving all day and arrived pretty late. Don't think that any one was complaining when this table was set up upon our arrival. Yum. Despite tiredness and my quickly developing cold, Skittle bombs appeared more and more frequently and into the spa we hopped after dinner. Got an idea of what the house looked like, but since it was dark it was kinda hard to grasp what the place was actually had to offer. The next morning, even though with a slight headache, we were greeted with the most amazing views and house I have seen in a very long time...
Private beach, pool, spa, sun deck, cinema room, mini golf course, fishing, views, a massive kitchen, a wood fire oven... This place was unbelievable. To make it short I had the best weekend I have had in a very very very long time. It almost felt like being with family, and I loved every second of it. We talked, laughed, swam, cooked, drank, sun bathed, drank some more, pushed each other in the pool, had Christmas Kringle and drank some more again. Nobody wanted to leave come Sunday. But I'm betting my all on that we are coming back.
xx to you all at Murrah.
We had Skittle Bombs!
...and Coco Pops for brekkie
...and then had more Skittle Bombs
attempting to Swedish-ize my friends with my appetizer
Thank you for such a lovely weekend. You are amazing, lovable and completely irreplaceable. Love you all!

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