
Tea2 and looking back...

Eh. On the weekend we went to T2 (THE best Tea store in the entire world), and I was just meant to get a hold of a strainer for Mom, cause she broke the one in her tea pot that she bought when they were here. I ended up with two teas... Oh and the strainer, Mom, so not to worry. They are the nicest people in that store. Even though they were probably high or somehting they were a lot of fun, SO friendly and helpful. Mmm... Chai... Only five hours left of the day...!

So Stef got his iPhone yesterday. No, I'm not jealous. And that was the biggest lie EVER. Oh well. I have to put up with my bloody 3 contract for another 14 months. How will I survive. At least now I can (finally) access the net through mine so I will live. Hopefully.

Working on our new Bags, it's quite a challange cause I'm linited in colour, and therfore print. But it's also alot of fun. It's always a thrill to see your work on the streets. And the SUPRÉ bags really are EVERYWHERE. TV is playing Pussycat Doll songs one after another, appropriate I guess. Just got photos from the meet& greet i NZ, gosh those gals look like they've won the lotto standing next to the PCD. How cute. We are shooting at the end of this week, but I can't be there cause I have to go to Melbourne. Ick! The casting this time was FULL of gorgeous girls so it should be a good one, and I'm not gonna be able to be there... Buu-huu.

So we have the weekend in Melbourne. I can't wait, and CAN wait, in a way. I'm a little weary, to be honest. And I know I shouldn't be, which is why it's weird. It will be good to see good ol' Ash again though. Hopefully we'll get to catch up with George, Ben and Liz and the rest of the gang. The last time I saw them was through bush fires and chaos at Ben and Lizs wedding... That was a bit of an experience! A few photos, it was a mysteriously beautiful day. They are the most amazing couple.

My Second BUS AD

Yea,I'm getting good at this. So this is my second bus ad, ever published. I'm so proud! Lol. I saw it on Monday morning, coming to work. It made the ride to the office so much easier, cause I remembered how much fun I have here.

My brother and his lady Michaela cme to visit me at the office the other say, and Michaela expressed how much she would love to work with the things I do. I have never thought of my position as something somebody would want to have. It just hasn't crossed my mind. But I'm finding more and more that there are SO many young girls who would love to do what I do. Michaela, I think you would be perfect for a role like this, so follow your dreams, Missy!

I want to start posting my magazine ads here too... but as of now I haven't kept up to date with the photography, so I have A LOT of ads to catch up on! From now on I will try to be better...

Fire, Fire!

Sitting at work, feeling slightly un-inspired and really just want to go home and enjoy a glass of wine. Which I will do, as soon as the clock hits 4:30. Did I mention we found our fave wine online? I couldn't resist, and brought home two dozen. The wine rack now consists of pretty much just that. Firestick (Poole's Rock) Cab Merlot, 2002. This is an amazing wine. If I ever get married, at least I have the red sorted.

(our wine rack)


Something Fishy

Been working on this piece at home for quite some time now. It's still not finished. I'm liking where it's going, I think I'm scared of finishing it cause I don't want to screw it up! Lol. Keeping it black and white, only using red for his splashes of colour on his head, and the water will be washed in a light blue. Promise to post when it's finished...

Alot of stories to share - just you wait.