Trying to get inspired, found this awsome chick on YouTube, she has absolutely rad make up tips and tricks. Her smokey eye tutorial is well worth watching. Gorgeous girl, "itsliz" under my links. Check out the vid
here. Now that killed fifteen minutes of my day. Whoo.
My brother came to Oz on Thursday last week. We've been working on the new release of the SUPRÉ ME magazine these past two weeks, and it's been majorly hectic. But now it's gone to print and I'm quite confident it will look good. My brother came sort of towards the end of it all, and I had to work a Sunday so we would get the mag ready in time, which meant I could take Thursday off to pick him up at the airport. Geeze. It's weird to have a day off like that. It felt so damn good!
Nice "family" dinner on Saturday night, but realized we need to get sooo many more things for the kitchen. I had to eat off a side plate with minature cutlery, but at least we had enough big pates and wine glasses for the guests! Lol. Got our dining chairs this week, they look simple. But good.

I NEED TO USE MY CAMERA MORE. My brother's fully gone and bought a video camera, saying that he's going to keep updateing his video blog while he's Down Under. Video blog?! Sighs. I am so yesterday.
Bought two fish for the tank. They're kinda shy, so one is called Wegkruipertjie... Cos it means Hide& Seek. I'm so smart.